Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: Do They Work?

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies are becoming an increasing popular option for those who want to reap the potential benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). They are a pleasant alternative to drinking the harsh tasting bottled vinegar. This article will talk about what ACV is, potential benefits, and investigate if ACV Gummies really work.
Apple Cider Vinegar: An Overview
Apple Cider Vinegar is the fermented juice from crushed apples. This fermentation process produces acetic acid, which is one of the main active ingredients in vinegar – it’s also believed to be responsible for ACV’s touted health benefits.
Another “ingredient” you might’ve heard about that is included in most high-quality ACV products is “The Mother”. This is the dark, cloudy sediment seen in bottled ACV. This sediment consists of acetic acid, yeast, and bacteria. Some say the beneficial properties from Apple Cider Vinegar are contained in this murky liquid. We’ll go more in depth about acetic acid and “The Mother” in a future post.
A Short History
Around 2500BC, an ancient nomadic tribe called the Aryans developed a soured apple wine, the forerunner of apple cider. The name ‘cider’ is rooted in the Phoenician ‘shekar’ meaning wine or strong drink. So from the Babylonians to the Aryans to the Phoenicians, the soured apple wine recipe was passed to the Greeks and Romans and people started developing apple cider vinegar as a by-product to their soured apple wines (Rose, 2006).
Apple cider vinegar has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Historically it has been used for a variety of ailments, including mushroom poisoning, dandruff and toothache. It was used in the US Civil War and World War I to treat wounds on the battlefield. Japanese Samurai warriors were said to drink it for strength and power. A dilution of apple cider vinegar was drunk by Ancient Persians to prevent the accumulation of fatty tissue in the body, while the Romans used fire and vinegar to break through rocks when conquering the Alps (Rose, 2006).
Vinegar has been used to preserve food for thousands of years and is still used nowadays as a very versatile cleaning product. In short, there are historical records showing a myriad of uses for apple cider vinegar from all over the world (Rose, 2006).
What Are Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies?
Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies are pretty much exactly what they sound like – gummy supplements or vitamins that contain ultra-concentrated amounts ACV.
Essentially, these gummies incorporate the potent acetic acid, polyphenols, micronutrients, and if you are careful when choosing yours, “The Mother” will be included as well. This transforms the usually unpleasant vinegar taste of traditional ACV into a much more enjoyable, healthy apple fruit snack with all the same benefits. Because these gummies are more palatable and easier to consume – they are a popular choice for those wanting to experience all that ACV has to offer.
Main Highlights & Potential Health Benefits*
- Anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties
- High in healthful substances such as acetic acid
- Can help kill harmful bacteria
- Appetite and metabolism support
- May aid in weight loss
- Can improve digestion
- Can help reduce cholesterol
- May help to lower blood sugar levels
- May promote healthy skin, hair, and nails
- Can support brain health
- Can reduce inflammation in the body
- Can boost the immune system
- Can increase energy
- Can aid in reducing stress and promoting relaxation
- Helps the body detox
Do ACV Gummies Really Work?
The best way to answer this question is to answer whether Apple Cider Vinegar has any real benefits. Lucky for us, there is current, published medical research to support some of the most purported benefits of ACV such as weight loss, improving gut health, managing blood glucose levels, boosting energy, and its anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
However, more research is needed to know just how safe and effective ACV is for these uses.
In addition to research, there is no shortage of personal testimonies and experiences with ACV. While some say they did not experience noticeable changes, the vast majority report positive improvements in their health.
If you choose a high-quality ACV Gummy supplement and use the product consistently while following the usage suggestions, you are likely to experience positive effects in some way. Ultimately, the only way to know for yourself, is to give this alternative ACV option an honest try.
ACV Gummies Vs. Apple Cider Vinegar
As noted in the highlights and potential benefits section above, there are many different uses for ACV. The liquid ACV is much more versatile and can be utilized for a large variety of different applications, for example: household cleaning and disinfecting agent, hair treatments, makeup remover, facial toner, natural deodorant, odor neutralizer, and so much more.
When it comes to choosing the right option for you – consider what you would be using ACV for. If you are planning to ingest the vinegar, gummies are a great option for actually enjoying your ACV experience. If you just want to use it as a homemade non-toxic cleaning agent or for its other various topical uses, stick with the liquid.
At the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with having both options available and experimenting to find out what suits you best.
A Quick Recap
Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies contain highly concentrated amounts of ACV. With many potential benefits, some supported by research, and some supported by personal experiences, ACV can have a variety of positive impacts on overall health.
These gummy supplements are a tasty alternative to drinking the harsh vinegar and allow the user to enjoy their ACV experience while still reaping the benefits. Do they really work, though? Until there are more studies conducted to answer this question with a firm ‘yes’, you’ll have to try for yourself.
Medical Disclaimer
Please speak with your doctor or other licensed healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement including Apple Cider Vinegar. None of the content on this site is or should be considered medical advice. The purpose of this article is simply to highlight relevant research for those curious about the potential benefits of consuming Apple Cider Vinegar.